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MyCivitas is an affordable, user-friendly asset management platform for small communities. MyCivitas is an all-inclusive, easy-to-use platform that lets you record and manage your assets in one powerful information system.


Published under AGPL-3. See the full license text.


Contributor GitHub Handle
Tim Sutton timlinux “”
Jeremy Prior Jeremy-Prior
Ketan Bamniya ketankartoza
Juanique Voogt voogt “”
Andrevdb Andrevdb “”
Edvandenberg edvandenberg “”
Eli Volschenk elivolsch “”

Project funders/backers

This project was conceptualized and initially funded by LandInfoTech. LandInfo Technologies is an independent consulting firm providing asset management consulting services to public and private sector clients since 1995. Our primary goal is to address the unique asset management needs of Canada's smaller communities utilizing geographical information systems. We advocate open source and are a major shareholder of MyCivitas, an open-source asset management application designed for smaller municipalities.


Another fine project contributed to by: Kartoza Logo